Why Cold Brew Coffee Should Be Stored In Glass

Is it Better to Store Cold Brew Coffee in Glass or is Plastic Also Suitable? The choice might be more important than you think for several reasons.

Putting and storing cold brew in plastic is not as significant a problem as with hot coffee. However, there are still potential negative health and taste effects of preserving cold brew coffee in plastic. Storing cold brew in a plastic bottle for easy portability and quick consumption is not an issue.

Cold brew coffee can be stored in plastic containers, but there are potential health and taste considerations. Here’s a breakdown of the factors to consider:

Health Concerns

When it comes to storing hot beverages like coffee in plastic, it’s generally not advisable due to potential chemical leaching. Even BPA-free plastics can release substances into hot liquids, and other compounds in plastic might have similar effects to BPA.

While cold brew coffee might not pose the same risk as hot coffee, there are still concerns. Cold brew contains coffee bean compounds that make it more acidic (pH ~5) than regular water (pH 6-8). Research indicates that the release of certain chemicals, such as antimony, from PET plastic bottles increases with more acidic liquids. While cold brew is usually consumed relatively quickly, the potential for chemical transfer remains.

Microplastics are another concern. Reusing plastic bottles might contribute to the ingestion of microplastics, but their health impact is not fully understood.

For short-term on-the-go consumption, using plastic bottles might not pose significant health risks. However, for longer storage, glass is a safer choice.

Flavor Considerations

Cold brew’s acidity could lead to interactions with plastic, potentially imparting an unpleasant plastic taste to the coffee. This effect depends on the type of plastic and the duration of storage. Storing cold brew in plastic containers for extended periods may negatively affect the flavor.


Properly cleaning the container you store your cold brew in is crucial, especially for longer-term storage. Sterilizing with boiling water is effective and eliminates bacteria that could spoil the coffee. Glass containers are easier to sterilize, as they can withstand boiling water without concerns about chemical release or microplastics.

Plastic bottles are more challenging to clean thoroughly. While boiling can be used for sterilization, it’s generally discouraged due to the potential release of chemicals and microplastics during and after the process.

Additional Considerations for Cold Brew Coffee Storage

Beyond the core factors of health, taste, and cleaning, there are a few more considerations to keep in mind when deciding between glass and plastic for storing cold brew coffee:

Environmental Impact

Plastic pollution is a significant concern for the environment. Choosing glass over plastic for cold brew coffee storage can help reduce your contribution to plastic waste. Glass containers are recyclable and have a lower environmental impact compared to single-use plastic bottles.

Temperature Stability

Glass containers have better temperature stability compared to plastic. If you’re someone who enjoys experimenting with different cold brew recipes or aging your cold brew for unique flavors, glass containers offer better insulation against temperature fluctuations, preserving the coffee’s quality.

Aesthetics and Presentation

Glass containers have an aesthetic appeal, allowing you to showcase the rich color of your cold brew coffee. Whether you’re serving guests or just taking pleasure in the visual aspect of your beverage, glass can enhance the overall experience.


Glass containers are generally more durable and resistant to scratches and stains than plastic. Over time, plastic containers might become discolored or develop scratches that could harbor bacteria or affect the taste of your cold brew.

Long-Term Storage

If you plan to store your cold brew for an extended period, perhaps for a week or more, glass containers with airtight seals are more reliable for maintaining freshness. The superior sealing capabilities of glass can help prevent oxidation and maintain the coffee’s flavors over time.


Glass containers can double as serving vessels and are suitable for both cold and hot beverages. If you prefer a versatile storage solution that can also accommodate other drinks, glass containers offer more flexibility.

Personal Preference

Your personal preferences and values play a role in the storage choice. Some individuals prioritize health concerns and environmental impact, while others might prioritize convenience or aesthetics. Consider what matters most to you when making your decision.


While plastic containers can work for short-term, on-the-go cold brew consumption, glass containers offer a safer, more environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing option. Glass minimizes potential health risks, preserves taste, and ensures a cleaner, longer-lasting storage solution for your cold brew coffee. When it comes to choosing between glass and plastic for cold brew coffee storage, making an informed decision based on your priorities can lead to a more satisfying and enjoyable coffee experience.


Welcome to CoffeeImproved! Since falling in love with coffee, I've been on a journey to improve my morning cup day by day. That means I've tried many different brew methods, beans and equipment and experimented with all of them to find what I like. This is where I share what I've learned with you.

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